Carpool Parking Program - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Carpooling?

Carpooling is a commuter arrangement where a group of two or more individuals takes turns driving to and from a common destination. This practice helps reduce costs, traffic congestion, and environmental impact.

Carpool Parameters: Two (2) or more Health Authority staff members.


What is is an online platform and community that connects Fraser Health staff members with each other to find carpool partners, making it easier for them to enjoy an eco-friendlier commute. It’s as simple as:

1. Sign up on the website or download the “Health Care Commuter” app on iOS or Android.

2. Enter your origin and worksite locations.

3. Specify the days and times you wish to carpool.

4. Choose from a selection of commuters who live and work near you to start a carpool!


Who Can Use

The service is available to all hospital staff who have a valid HealthBC email address, including:








How Much Does It Cost to Use the HealthCareCommuter App?

This service is completely free for staff. The Health Care Commuter app is free to download and use. Simply download and sign up using your Health Care organization email address to get started.



Do We Still Have to Pay for Parking?

Yes, carpoolers are still required to pay for parking using the hangTag system.

·      Any existing hangTag ePermit, or

·      The 50% off Carpool Parking ePermit


Does a Parker Have to Cancel Their Existing Parking ePermit in order to Park in the Carpool Stalls?

No, any pre-existing hangTag ePermit is valid, the only condition is that the parker carpooled that day via the HealthCareCommuter app. However, carpoolers who transfer their parking privileges to the 50% off carpool parking ePermit can transfer back without being put on a waitlist if they stop carpooling.


How Do I Register and Download the App?

The “HealthCare Commuter” app is available for download on the iOS or Android app stores. Simply search for "Health Care Commuter", download the app, and sign up using your organization email address. Create your profile and enter your ride requirements—it’s that simple!


I Am a Fraser Health Employee but Do Not Have a Fraser Health Email Address to Register. What Should I Do?

If you don't have a Fraser Health email, please reach out to us via email at


Is the HealthCareCommuter App Open to the Public?

No, the app is only accessible within trusted corporate networks. You will only connect with other staff members within HealthBC.


Where Are the Designated Carpool Stalls Located for Parking?

Exclusive designated parking stalls and their locations can be found on the carpool page, under TDMCS services at To park in these stalls, the trips for the day must be made via the Health Care Commuter app.



Where Do We Park If All the Designated Carpool Stalls Are Full?

Staff will need to park in any general parking or staff designated parking areas (where staff normally would park). The Carpool ePermit has the same parking privileges as the payroll deduction ePermit. Regardless of which ePermit staff have, designated carpool stalls cannot be used if a carpool did not happen that day.


Who Decides Who’s Driving?

Upon registration, you can enrol as a driver, passenger, or both, with the flexibility to change these preferences at any time.


Terms & Conditions:

Carpooling requires two or more HealthCareCommuter users traveling to and from work in the same vehicle. The carpool 'driver' must successfully match with and initiate trips with carpool 'passengers' through the app. Drivers without an existing parking ePermit can apply for the 50% off Carpool Parking Pass via HangTag which allows the driver to park in designated carpool stalls. To keep the Carpool Parking Pass, there must be a minimum of five verified carpool trips within a 30-day period. If there are not enough trips, the driver will be removed from the parking program and must revert to their previous parking arrangements. Drivers can reapply for carpooling after trips have resumed; however, it's at the discretion of parking administration to approve ePermit requests. The ePermit will be waitlisted if demand exceeds availability. Parking in designated carpool stalls is on a first-come, first-served basis, and parking administration reserves the right to revoke parking privileges at any time, particularly in cases of misuse. All carpool group members must enable live tracking in their apps for verification and access to premium parking spots.